Ayaman is two year old pretty little girl born in a small town in Kashmir. Just like every other girl of her age, she is in the process or understanding things going around her. She is mostly in a playful mood with her cousins and family pampering her all the time. This little girl is not aware of the fact that not all is well in her heart, the moments of sadness that engulf the whole family all the time.
Ayaman is fighting every day for survival. She was born with ASD, a congenital heart defect. Since she came into this world, she has been struggling hard to breath. Ayaman has her whole life waiting for her but this heart defect has blocked her wings. She deserves to learn to fly and take a flight of her Dream and make a beautiful future for her. This all seems impossible as her condition is going bad to worse with days passing by. Her father Shaukat stated that Ayaman was recommended an immediate surgery or else she would lose her life Someone recommended Child Heart Foundation, they got in touch and we have registered her and are looking out for fund generation. The estimated cost of her surgery is INR 3 lacs, that is a huge amount for the poor parents to arrange. Which each day, the battle seemed difficult. We managed to raise funds for her and she was successfully operated at Escorts Hospital and is recovering towards good health.