In the serene town of Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh, a tiny soul named Sandeep Gian entered the world on the 25th of July, 2021, bringing immense joy to his parents, Mr. Sanjeev Gian and Ms. Sonali. However, amidst the bliss of new parenthood, the family soon found themselves grappling with unexpected challenges.
Sandeep, at just 2.5 years old, began to face daunting health issues. His delicate frame was plagued by colds, coughs, and alarming signs like bluish discoloration on his nails and lips, coupled with poor feeding. Despite his mother's relentless efforts to seek medical help from local hospitals, a conclusive diagnosis remained elusive, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and distraught.
As a single mother, Sonali courageously bore the weight of these trials, but the financial strain and the anguish of seeing her child suffer took an immense toll on her spirit. However, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Mr. Avinash Pandey, an IPS officer in Pilibhit.
Sonali poured her heart out to Mr. Pandey, sharing her struggles and fears. Touched by her plight, Mr. Pandey wasted no time and reached out to the Child Heart Foundation (CHF), an organization dedicated to helping children with congenital heart defects.
Upon learning of Sandeep's condition, CHF sprang into action. They swiftly arranged for the family to travel to Delhi, where they would receive urgent medical attention. Dr. Vikas Kohli, a renowned cardiologist, offered his expertise and conducted a thorough evaluation, revealing a small doubly committed ventricular septal defect (VSD) that required surgical closure.
The news brought a mix of relief and apprehension for Sonali. While the prospect of treatment offered hope for Sandeep's future, the staggering cost of 3.5 lakhs loomed large, presenting an insurmountable obstacle for the family.
In a ray of light amidst the darkness, Sandeep was registered under the Hridaan program, offering a glimmer of hope for his treatment. However, the urgency of the situation demanded immediate action.
Enter the Indian Railway Finance Corporation (IRFC), a CSR partner committed to making a positive impact on society. IRFC stepped forward with compassion and generosity, offering crucial financial support to ensure Sandeep's treatment could proceed without delay.
Now, the Gian family stands at a crossroads, their hearts heavy with worry but brimming with determination. They cling to the belief that with the support of compassionate souls like IRFC and individuals like you, they can overcome this trial and pave the way for Sandeep's bright and healthy future.
Join us in writing a new chapter of hope and resilience in Sandeep's story. Your generosity can turn the tide, transforming despair into triumph and ensuring that Sandeep's laughter echoes joyously for years to come.