Sagar is a four-year-old boy. His father works in the delivery sector and his family is from Chhattisgarh. Sagar's parents had been worried because he was diagnosed with Pulmonary Atresia VSD by Dr. Vikas Kohli. He was a part of our PraDAAN program where we provide free Echo screening to underprivileged children.
He informed his parents that Total Repair was the recommended surgery, with an estimated cost of Rs. 400,000. As a result, Sagar had CT Angio, and the CHF team assisted the family financially.
The diagnosis has terrified the parents because his health is severe, and they cannot afford Sagar's operation on their own.
The child has been enrolled on the HRIDAAN programme, and all necessary documentation has been gathered.He needed the procedure immediately to avoid any potential difficulties. We were able to obtain the funds he needed with the support of our partners and individual donations. Soon he had his operation successfully. He pays us visits regularly, and seeing him happy is our proudest moment.